The mortgage world has taught a very bad habit to many, giving the impression that with no work or waiting, we can own completed structures. Delayed gratification is not known in this generation. Sadly, this instant and disposable generation, approach country living in the same way, producing sad templates for others to follow. Remember, it is not how you could manage to build your dream house, instead, it is about the Lord building your house - except He builds it, we labor in vain, regardless of how pretty it looks. Everything in nature impresses the mind that patient progress under God’s guidance is best. Did Noah need one hundred and twenty years to build an ark?
The pandemic highlighted this in a practical way for me. On our small tropical island, in an attempt to curb the rising deaths Freedom from the pandemic a number of measures were put in place curtailing the freedom of movement of individuals. Those who lived in the more developed areas were however affected in a different way. Normal life became difficult, if not near impossible.
The endorsement, praise and accolades of the world is heaped upon the graduate, who then make it their studied purpose to gain as much money for as little physical effort as possible. The blessing that could be gained is thus missed. “Many look upon work as a curse, originating with the enemy of souls. This is a mistaken idea. God gave labor to man as a blessing, to occupy his mind, to strengthen his body, and to develop his faculties. Adam labored in the garden of Eden, and he found in mental and physical activity the highest pleasures of his holy existence.
When we need to know something spiritual, we consult the pastor or priest, the authority on God’s Word. When we need to know something about our body, we consult the medical doctors, the authorities on our bodies. See the trend? We have been taught to place our faith in men. Fallible men just like ourselves.
The drive to obtain the needed dollar consumes the thoughts and occupies the time. All this is considered normal and even natural by some. The mind has been conditioned to function at a level of survival, thus the temporary becomes more important than the eternal. Things of this earth are continually flashed before the mind and thus weighs heavier on the mind than things of the hereafter.
Shouldn’t the peace and confidence in God help us to exhibit a spirit that would lead men to enquire of the God we serve? As men’s hearts fail them for fear, for looking after those things that are coming upon the earth, shouldn’t we, because of our experience offer them an alternative that restores to them their peace of mind?
He will give you an appetite for the simple. He will retrain you to be of service in this world and in the world to come. As the scales fall from your eyes, you would be able to lead others on the path to heaven. You would be useful to God, you would bear the divine stamp. In your new, simple life, you will find a peace that this world cannot give and a joy that cannot be taken away. May this be your experience.