Many today make changes in their lives in response to a crisis or a perceived crisis. In anticipation of a shortage of food one may hoard large supplies of food. In the face of a lockdown one may find their pantry overstocked. However, when the changes and movements are made in anticipation of a future event, the results may immediately be the same but the long term effects are often different.
I once read a story of a man who had lots of money. He took his son to spend some time with a family that had little money, in order to encourage a spirit of gratitude for all the money he had. At the end of the stay the father checked to see if the son had learnt the lesson intended. Instead, the father was taught a very valuable lesson by his son.
We have been counseled many times that the best life for God’s people is found in the country setting, yet many of God’s people still cling to Egypt by staying in Egypt or by taking Egypt with them into the country. Egypt or worldliness has such a heavy hold on God’s people that they may succeed in moving their bodies into the country but their minds remain in Egypt.
How can one tell if this is the case with them? Are you trying to ensure that you have all the systems and conveniences of city-life?
In today’s society, many, even among God’s professed people, shun manual labor yet they often admonish others to be like Jesus. Lets consider His example. Jesus was a carpenter for many years, working with His hands in His quiet country home, gaining a preparation for His earthly ministry. Later, He spent a few years as a teacher and healer. Yet many today professing to follow in His footsteps neglect the preparatory work necessary to be efficient in the vineyard. No one wants to do manual work, or as we say locally, no one wants to get their hands dirty. Do you really want to be like Jesus?
Yet, one may be troubled as to how nature can be a textbook. As you read through the Bible, you can clearly see God continually returning man to a natural environment that is suited to communion with Him. In Psalm 19 we read of the heavens declaring the glory of God, then in verses three and four it says, “There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” (Psalm 19:3,4)....