The list of intrusions go further, it would be rather silly to think that such power grab subsided with covid enforcements- They only await another crisis to reemerge with greater force.
Picture this scenario: A Christian who publicly teaches others that God's law demands "Thou Shalt Not Kill" somehow takes a portion of his income and places it in a mixed investment portfolio that has gun stocks.
"Yoga exercises are alleged to be purely physical with no mysticism involved. Yoga is yoga, and those various movements and stretching are designed to raise kundalini up through the chakras to join with the universal god of Hinduism. Partaking of these exercises places oneself on Satan's ground"
A Herb alone is not a magic bullet to bring about a healing. There are laws to health that must be used in unison with herbs along with prayer to bring about desired health,
Despite the current number of known reported deaths and the uncertain long term effects it should be enough to render vaccines questionable. But, the more important question is that if older persons who have underlying issues are already weak and immuno-compromised isn't that the reason why they especially should be far from that vaccine? Given there is a possibility of death based on the data and not to mention the Myocarditis outbreak after vaccine consumption.
The mortgage world has taught a very bad habit to many, giving the impression that with no work or waiting, we can own completed structures. Delayed gratification is not known in this generation. Sadly, this instant and disposable generation, approach country living in the same way, producing sad templates for others to follow. Remember, it is not how you could manage to build your dream house, instead, it is about the Lord building your house - except He builds it, we labor in vain, regardless of how pretty it looks. Everything in nature impresses the mind that patient progress under God’s guidance is best. Did Noah need one hundred and twenty years to build an ark?
It would make perfect sense why the Dragon or Civil Authority (secondary sense) in Revelation 12:17 will only be wrought with Seventh-Day Adventists and not Adventists. For Adventist and Sunday worshippers to end up in the same letter that is speaking to Resting on Sunday or the reverencing of Sunday by No Movement should sound clear warnings. Whether by Error or not that a Government body could not type out the word Seventh-Day Adventist God allowed such to happen that the "wise may understand" that it is time to have His name and represent it.
The pandemic highlighted this in a practical way for me. On our small tropical island, in an attempt to curb the rising deaths Freedom from the pandemic a number of measures were put in place curtailing the freedom of movement of individuals. Those who lived in the more developed areas were however affected in a different way. Normal life became difficult, if not near impossible.
Upward Look 315 states that “only presence of God can constitute a church”. Therefore, if God leaves his professed people, where will he be found? Only among the small group that are working for the preservation of the heritage in its varied forms. Jeremiah 12:10 points out that many ”.…pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion underfoot….They made it desolate” So will you go to a desolate place? Or will you seek the place where the heritage is being preserved?